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Starting a Cluster#

Cluster Start Ordering#

The order of starting is always as follows:

  1. ndb_mgmd: Management servers (MGMd)

  2. ndbmtd: Data nodes

  3. mysqld: MySQL servers

  4. rdrs: REST API servers (optional)

Each node type can be started in parallel. Rolling restarts after configuration changes or due to software upgrades are also performed in this order - however, it is safer to restart nodes of a node type in serial then.

Concept of NDB Connect String#

A central component of connecting to the cluster is the NDB Connect String, sometimes also called management connection string.

Any node type starting up will want to connect to the cluster with this string:

  • Management server connects to running Management server

  • Data node connects to running Management server

  • MySQLd / API node connects to running Management server

The format of the connect string is a CSV list of MGMd addresses. The default port of the management server is 1186 and can be omitted if it has not been specified otherwise using PortNumber in the configuration file. Specifying one running MGMd address is enough - multiple addresses are however more resilient to failure.

Any RonDB program can use the connect string in the following ways:

  • Using the --ndb-connectstring parameter

  • Setting the NDB_CONNECTSTRING environment variable

Naming Files and Directories#

To allow multiple RonDB programs of the same node type to run on the same machine, RonDB names its directories and files (including .pid files) using the Node ID of the corresponding program. If this causes an inconvenience, one can start the program with the --service-name parameter. This will then be used as a filename identifier instead.

An example of such an inconvenience is when one uses a process manager like systemd to run RonDB programs. Systemd might require the .pid file paths in its configuration files to be able to stop the programs. It may however be cumbersome to template the systemd files with the correct .pid file names.